The steep gradient brings the plantings very close to eye level as you walk along, creating a feeling of intimacy which is juxtaposed against the long, distant views into Jamieson Valley and the enormity of the opposing Kedumba Walls.
From the street, mass plantings of clivias welcome visitors. They are the perfect plant for the situation. Planted by the previous owners approximately 15 years ago, they work beautifully due to their toughness; coping with the harsh westerly winds of winter and the constant drought conditions created by overhead pine trees. Flowering in full shade, the bright splash of orange works with the house render, both allude to the natural sandstone colour of the escarpment at sunset.
Most plants within the garden are very mature, with maples, azaleas, rhododendrons and camelias being used extensively throughout the entire garden. Plants in Hill of Grace are kept tightly trimmed to give a very sculpted look, reinforcing the Japanese influence created by the plantings.
The current owners, along with landscape gardener Dan Townes, continue to renovate and refine the garden. It is a constant cycle of striving to work harmoniously with the mature existing plants and hard landscaping, while simultaneously inserting our own “personality” into Hill of Grace.
Please be aware that Hill of Grace is a steep garden with uneven (and sometimes slippery) paths in the back section. If you have mobility concerns it is recommended that you enjoy the garden and the beautiful view from the terrace.